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Supports For Commercial Rent For Businesses - Avenue Living Asset Management

Written by Mark Zalucky | Apr 15, 2020 4:00:00 AM

Further to our communication from Monday this week, where we provided you with information around pertinent government relief programs (in the hopes of informing you of what is available ‘out there’), we are pleased to provide an update with regards to tenant rental obligations.

Prime Minister Trudeau stated yesterday (Tuesday, April 14): “We’re working to enhance the Canada Emergency Business Account as well as new supports on commercial rent for businesses that are hardest hit. I’ll have more to say about all this soon.”

Earlier today (Wednesday, April 15), the Prime Minister further mentioned that these discussions are “still in the works.”

We all hope to find out more on this topic later this week, after the Premiers meet with the Prime Minister tomorrow.

As a reminder, our commitment at Avenue Living is and has always been, to work with our tenants as best we can. We will be sure to continue to inform and update you on any new material we learn about i.e. any assistance programs we feel would be beneficial for you to be aware of, as the heads of government form and communicate a plan.

One item we would like to share with you today has to do with the expansion of the eligibility for emergency benefits. CERB is now available for:

  • People earning $1,000 or less a month
  • People expecting a seasonal job that isn’t coming
  • People who have run out of EI since January 1, 2020

We believe this is positive news, which will incentivize businesses to continue their operations. And will ideally allow Canadians to keep working (albeit part-time) where possible, as opposed to having complete staffing layoffs, which could prove difficult to salvage as we recover from this crisis, together.