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2020 Investing in the Everyday - Avenue Living Asset Management

Written by Anna Bok | Aug 21, 2021 4:00:00 AM

It’s not a stretch to say the past year has been full of surprises. The COVID-19 pandemic has plunged us all into uncharted waters, presenting us with a series of challenges that demanded innovation and responsiveness. For Avenue Living, 2020 was a year that demonstrated how the investments we had made in our business were about to pay off, in ways we had never quite imagined. 

Thanks to the Avenue Living platform and the skills of our talented teams, we managed to pivot early to meet the new demands of public health restrictions and the ripple effects, felt by every one of us. Our investments in technology meant we were ready to transition to work from home wherever possible; it also meant we were able to implement changes, such as virtual viewings and online forms to keep prospective and current residents safe. Our commitment to health and safety protocols meant we were prepared to adapt to new public health orders, both in our offices and our properties. 

What these adaptations meant in real terms for our investors: we were able to keep tight control over our business, no matter how unsettled the broader environment was. We made a smooth transition to operational changes and were able to continue to operate uninterrupted during a time when our residents needed us most. 

This next year brings with it new opportunities and new challenges, and we’ll continue to hold the same course, looking for ways to grow, improve and innovate and, as always, keeping our focus on the well-being of our residents, employees, and capital partners.